kill - Automatically kill the target you selected in Console Mode.addspecialpoints # - Add # special points.While the above cheats are confirmed for Fallout 4, the following Fallout 3 cheats are untested, so go ahead and try them out and let us know in the comments which cheats work! 🙂 This time around you can keep earning achievements with cheats activated. Note: Turning on cheats will NOT disable the earning of achievements. modvalue carryweight xx - Cheat Description: Adds weight to the character.fov xx - Cheat Description: Change field of view.tscale # - Cheat Description: Sets the physical size of your character to # (same goes for any enemy that is clicked on in console).coc qasmoke - Cheat Description: Be transported to secret developer test area that has all the weapons, ammo, power armors, items & bobbleheads in the game in one spot! – To exit this area and go back to the normal game type: coc sanctuaryext or coc ufocrashsite01.Get it by typing: aceatme 0001F669 5Ĭoc qasmoke Cheat to Visit Secret Developer Test Area with All Game Items – Example of an item to spawn near you is the minigun. Get unlimited Fusion Cores by typing: player.additem 00075FE4 999 or get the Fat Man mini-nuke launcher by typing: player.additem 000bd56f – Example of a rare item to add to your inventory is the Fusion Core. And as shown below, you can get that perk by typing: player.addperk 000D75E2 In which case (perk id code) ‘Perk Name’ get shown on-screen, for example you get shown the (000D75E2) ‘Cap Collector’ perk ID. – Example of an above-mentioned “Item Name” = a perk. player.showinventory - Cheat Description: Lists items and their codes from your current inventory.Adding 0 at the end will result in a long list.

tfc - Toggles free camera mode on/off.Fly up to higher vantage points & go through walls. tcl - No clipping mode (toggles between enable / disable).Gives you invincibility, infinite ammo, and infinite action points for infinite sprint, infinite VAT shots & ignoring the maximum carrier weight. Run from them until at least one has engaged Allie or a companion, take out the other, and then team attack the second Assaultron. They’re much easier to kill than the Sentry Bot if you aim for the torso, but they can really mess you up at close range, and they start charging their visor laser attacks immediately. … ‘cause another door will open, releasing two Assaultrons into the room.

Be sure to get far away from it when its health drops to zero, as the resulting explosion will wipe you out. assaults every now and then, preferably to take out its arms. Use the stairs to hide from it and duck out to deliver V.A.T.S. This thing is harsh in close quarters, and can rock you badly if you come out in the open. Destroy these as quickly as you can, because within about half a minute… Accompanying them are Turrets on the ceiling.